How Our Medi Spa is Taking Precautions for COVID-19

Author: Adriana Czech | | Categories: Body Sculpting , Cool Sculpting , Health Improvement , Infrared Therapy , Lash Technician , Medi Spa , Radio Frequency Therapy , Red Light Therapy , Richmond Skin Therapy , Self Wellness , Skin Therapist , Vacuum Suction Treatment , Weight Loss

medi spa La Bella

Adriana Czech BACK On Sunday Night Health Show!

The coronavirus has caught the world by surprise and affected every industry, including the health and wellness sector. Consequently, as a reputable Medi Spa in Richmond, BC, we’ve followed all of the guidelines set out by Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Ministry of Health of British Columbia.

While we encourage our Medi Spa La Bella family members to stay at home and practice social distancing as much as possible, we do believe that a trip to the spa for a treatment and a relaxing conversation is very beneficial during these trying times.

Our goal is to continue to improve people’s physical and mental wellness to enhance everyone’s quality of life.

Read on to understand some of the protocols that we have introduced to maintain hygiene during the global COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. We wash and sanitize our hands regularly and require customers to do the same upon entry.
  2. Before a client comes into the spa, we ask screening questions over the phone and make sure that there is generally only one client at a time with ample time between appointments for cleaning.
  3. We check clients’ temperature using a non-contact thermometer, which is also the procedure for all staff each day as they come into work.
  4. To protect clients, our staff wear masks and or glasses/face shield.
  5. We allow ample time between each appointment to meticulously clean and disinfect everything before and after every appointment. Everything gets an extensive clean even if the surface was not touched.
  6. We continue to change sheets after every client, but now we also put a covering over the layers for extra protection, while the old ones are placed into a plastic bag and go straight into the wash.

All this attention to detail has been taken to ensure the safety of our clients.

In case you missed it, click on the link below to watch a short interview of the founder of Medi Spa La Bella, Adriana Czech, after she recently appeared on the Late Night Show with Maureen McGrath. She talks about how we put our patrons’ mind at ease and keep the spa safe during the COVID-19 pandemic:

If you are interested in improving your well-being, then get in contact with us today.

With expert experience, Medi Spa La Bella will help you relax, refresh, and rejuvenate with our state of the art medi spa treatments.

Our facial treatments include skin tightening and lifting, premium anti-aging creams, face rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, and lymphatic stimulation.

Our body treatments include cellulite elimination, muscle toning, body sculpting, contouring, pain relief/prevention, and energy and mood enhancement.

If you have any questions about Medi Spa La Bella in Richmond, BC, please contact us by clicking here. To learn more about the other services we have to offer, please click here.


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