Surviving & Thriving With COVID-19 Wellness Tips From Medi Spa La Bella

Author: Adriana Czech | | Categories: Body Sculpting , Infrared Therapy , La Bella , Medi Spa , Medi Spa La Bella , Radio Frequency Therapy , Red Light Therapy , Skin Therapist , Steveston Aesthetics , Steveston anti aging , Steveston Body Sculpting , Steveston Facial , Steveston Massage , Steveston Medi Spa , Steveston pain relief , Steveston Skin Therapy , Vacuum Suction Treatment , Weight Loss


Dear friends, family, and valued customers,

You are someone that we love and care about a great deal and in this global health crisis we wanted to reach out and make sure everyone is safe and sound. We are always looking out for physical and mental wellness and have a few health tips to share for these changing times!

It has never become more important to concentrate on personal health practices and good health starts with a good diet.
Stay Tight and Eat Right!

While the stress of this time can lead to poor eating habits, it is also an excellent opportunity to remodel your nutritional regimen and establish systems and strategies for maintaining a responsible, nourishing diet.

Try Dr. Gundry's Plant Paradox Diet - and when you want to splurge, make sure to support your local businesses that need it the most - you can even walk to pick up takeout to get in an extra workout!

Medi Spa Richmond

Which brings me to my second recommendation: Be Wise and Exercise

Medi Spa Richmond

I recommend Michelle Lewis's workout routine, I've been doing it daily, and I am feeling fantastic! Download her app and try it today - you won't be disappointed. If you need further help or instruction with exercises, I am always available to help! (604) 923-6021.

A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body, which brings me to my final recommendation: kindness and mindfulness

Check in with yourself and be gentle and compassionate to your body, mind and heart. Find time to relax, meditate, read- and get a good night's sleep!

If you're looking for a compelling read replete with life-changing knowledge check out one of my favorites: The longevity Book by Cameron Diaz. It is a scienced-based roadmap to healthier living and she dedicates an entire section to ever-important body-sustaining sleep!

The esteemed philanthropist and politician John Lubbock said,

"When important decisions have to be taken, the natural anxiety to come to a right decision will often keep us awake. Nothing, however, is more conducive to healthful sleep than plenty of open air."

We agree! Please post your favourite bedtime quote on Instagram and tag @medispa_labella for a chance to win a free treatment!

We can all come out of this pandemic better versions of ourselves!
Remember to practice:

  1. Stay Tight and Eat Right
  2. Be Wise and Exercise
  3. Kindness and Mindfulness

For a Medi Spa La Bella Gold Star:

A) Contact us about an amazing collagen product Jonathan and I are currently loving and enjoying.

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B) Post your favourite Quote about sleep on our Instagram!

C) Call me for a wellness checkup and free consultation! (604) 923-6021

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this Blog.

We really appreciate you and your time!


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